How to Prepare for the Arrival of Google SGE

Lately, there has been nothing but talk of artificial intelligence . ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, Dall-E, Midjourney, Whisper… there are so many text and image generators to choose from.

Artificial intelligence finds space and application practically everywhere, on any software, smartphone, search engine, etc.

But with Google Search Generative Experience (or SGE) we go up a level, because here AI is born to offer the user a unique search experience .

The beta version of SGE – currently available only for the American market – is in fact focused on the person , their interests and their needs. In particular, it allows you to:

Find what you really need in just a few moments,

easily update yourself on a topic, in a complete and exhaustive way;
compare multiple products with just one click to make a purchasing decision quickly.
In practice, SGE works like a knowledgeable and experienced friend you ask for advice , able to add a wealth of useful details to answer your question.

To better understand how this feature will work once it is released in Italy, let’s see together what the peculiarities of SGE are and how to move in advance to effectively align with this important evolution in the SEO world.

To understand what Google SGE looks like, this official video from Google summarizes the topic ( source ).

SGE: its strong points
As we were saying, in recent years Google has studied how to exploit artificial intelligence to improve navigation on the search engine.

It started with Bard focusing on generating text in response to queries, but it is a different type of tool. SGE arrives with the aim of revolutionizing and enhancing Google search. Let’s see what the main innovations are and what is best to start working on.

We know very well how a Google search works.


On a practical level, at the top of the page, you will get summaries created by artificial intelligence with suggestions of articles, texts and other interesting content.

Nothing shocking, except that the user will be able to delve deeper into the topic he wants, writing new questions in the “ask a follow up” box.

The system will return new relevant content without losing history (as it happens now) by drawing from the sources it considers most authoritative.

In simple terms, a sort of conversation is started that gradually becomes personalized based on the person’s real information needs. This greatly improves the user experience, thus obtaining a complete overview of the topic in a very short time.

At the SEO level, then, how can we organize the contents, to adapt to SGE? The cornerstones remain the same as those currently known: we will need to work on authority, reliability, competence and experience, or on the EEAT and Quality Rating criteria , with the practical objective of offering the user (and the search engine) articulated, multimedia contents, extremely rich in information.

What can you do right now?

Filling the gaps by adding useful information and data missing from your content. We could say “improving a text” so that it is as complete as possible, but it would be limiting to talk only about texts.
Work on long-tail keywords (useful because they best answer all user questions).
Leverage the best formats (text, video, etc… based on search intent).
Plan long-lasting evergreen content (always useful to people).
Work on the brand, find a unique tone of voice and a personal point of view.
2. Shopping and local marketing: what’s new
People’s needs and wants are at the heart of Google SGE, whose aim is to offer vertical experiences , including shopping and local searches.

The customer journey will be enhanced to the maximum level, offering users a snapshot of everything they need to know to make a purchase (such as price, images, reviews, ratings, descriptions and links to purchase).

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Expand product descriptions to make them more complete

Those who have an e-commerce, therefore, will have to improve it by offering. For example, detailed descriptions of the product (which answer as many questions as possible from users). Publishing relevant images, maybe even videos and certainly reviews from buyers.

The more detailed, informative and up-to-date the cards are, the more useful information Google will draw to display and the more users will be convinced and confident in purchasing the product.

And at a local level , what will change? Artificial intelligence is increasingly understanding the context of queries, generating increasingly relevant answers .

It will then suggest the best commercial activities based on user reviews, location, type of cuisine or certain dishes. Bearing in mind that those who invest in advertising and ADV campaigns will always be rewarded in SERP (something to be carefully evaluated!).

Work to encourage product reviews.
Set up a multi-channel strategy to build a strong cameroon phone number list  path to purchase and encourage authentic connection with people.
Evaluate targeted advertising campaigns for your business.
Speaking of positive reviews, you can also read : Google Reviews: How to Get More of Them (and Why It’s Essential)

Update all relevant user information in detail

3. Images and article summaries
With Google SGE you can create images with artificial intelligence. The quality is not excellent for now (to be clear, you can’t get illustrations like those of Midjourney) but we are sure that improvements will come on this front too.

The advantage? You can find inspiration for content for blogs, articles or social media . We believe it is unlikely that you can bt lists  develop SEO-ready texts with just one click: AI can be a good basis for identifying the structure or some portions of text. But an in-depth review and manual integrations are always needed to develop truly effective, valid and original SEO content.

And, speaking of articles and web content, with SGE you can get summaries of what you are reading by key points , to then go into more detail at a later time. Which makes us understand that blog texts should be increasingly valued and structured.

Improve the structure of the contents.
Think about detailed editorial plans for your websites, create in-depth and specific texts.
Using AI to experiment, get creative ideas, synthesize large content.
Focus on originality to create better user experiences.
Read also GPT-3 and GPT-4: the AI ​​that writes like a human

The real advantage: reduced user consultation times and easier purchases

Information searches, in particular, will be accurate and detailed. AI, in fact, will combine the best sources, returning articles, videos, and insights from all channels to the user (this is why, to grow, you need to work on multiple fronts).

However, it does not take responsibility for the contents and always specifies. To the user to check the veracity of the information.

As for purchasing, on the other hand, in a single screen. In fact, you can compare multiple products and directly evaluate which are the most suitable, discovering advantages, characteristics and differences with a single search.

A great advantage for those who do not have much time available and the effort to make a decision between so many similar products.

Want to sell more? Read the basics of a growing e-commerce

Our advice? Set up your strategy now
With the arrival of Google SGE in Italy, all content designed for people , authoritative, rich in information (including images, videos, infographics).

Our advice is to invest resources in this direction as soon as possible, transforming blog articles and e-commerce product sheets into stimulating, original, personality-rich, user-focused content capable of offering a unique experience .

Even content that has already been published can be improved

For example, you can add videos, images, insights and a personal point of view to the text.

We must not forget, then, to also work with the aim of the authority of our brand/site and reputation.

How? For example, trying to get more positive reviews, working on customer care and collaborations. Creating specific narratives (using different tools, from videos for social media to texts). Better to start working on them now, right?

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