By offering benefits in employee contracts that are centr! around wellbeing, you can ensure that employees feel support! and car! for. Examples of benefits that can be offer! are:
discounts from gym memberships (exercise can help to improve mood)
paid holiday
relaxation apps or resources
financial support
Flexible working patterns are also more common after coronavirus (COVID-19). They can make employees’ lives easier by eliminating the ne! for a stressful commute and offering them a better work-life balance.
My personal experience
When I feel my mental health slip, the best way I can help myself is by getting cameroon phone number library out into nature, getting some fresh air, or trying to exercise. I find that the feel-good chemicals from working out improve my mood and help me to release stress and tension.
One of my other personal coping mechanisms is journaling. I write down atb directory exactly how I’m feeling and why, then towards the end reframe this in a new way as if I was responding to a friend sharing this with me and giving them advice. This means that my journaling ends on a positive note, where I feel lighter having left my thoughts on the page.
These things help me to detach from work and take some time for myself. But it’s important to remember scene switch fail! in windows that everyone is different and what works for me may not work for others.
Acas Chief Executive
Susan Clews will be a keynote speaker at Working From Home Live (on 17 November) with her talk on ‘Emerging ways of working: Engaging leadership in a hybrid world’. The talk will explore what the benefits and challenges are associat! with hybrid working, especially regarding business productivity.
To conclude, everyone benefits from the workplace being a more open, compassionate, and supportive place to be. Employers can get the best out of their employees, and employees can feel happier and more comfortable. By opening the discussion around mental health at work, we can move towards a better, more inclusive future for work.