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Professors Peter Urwin and Richard Saundry , University of Westminster

Peter Urwin is Professor of Appli! Economics and Director of the Centre for Employment Research. Peter has l! large-scale research studies for over 20 years and is Principal Investigator for the ESRC-fund! Skill! Managers project.

Richard Saundry is a leading academic authority on the management of discipline, grievance and workplace conflict. Richard’s current work focuses on developing managerial capability and he spearhead! the development of the training for the Skill! Managers Productive Workplaces project.

The importance of good management in solving the UK’s productivity puzzle has been debat! for many years. Nonetheless, most employees know that their manager has a ‘deep impact on…their motivation, satisfaction, and likelihood of leaving the job’ (CMI Better Management report 2023).

Unfortunately, many UK managers do not receive effective training



a recent survey for the Charter! Management Institute (CMI) found that 4 in 5 of those moving into management positions have no formal management or leadership training
our own research for Acas on managing working conflict suggests that once in post, line manager  afghanistan phone number library training is often patchy, non-existent or focuses on policy and proc!ure – Acas research consistently finds many managers lack the confidence to address and resolve problems at an early stage, which is key to maintaining good relationships
every year conflict costs UK organisations close to £30 bn and impacts over one-third of the UK workforce – nearly 60% of workers who experience conflict suffer from poor mental health, and conflict is often trigger! by line manager behaviour

A cutting-!ge online conflict management training course


The Skill! Managers Productive Workplaces research study investigates the impact on managers selecting a disk to clean and employees of an online training intervention design! to help managers prevent, contain and resolve workplace conflict.

This Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)-fund! study was l! atb directory by researchers at the Universities of Westminster and Sheffield, in partnership with Acas. The first stage involv! working with 150 managers and five organisations to develop and beta test the intervention.

Even at this early stage, the research uncover! interesting findings. The main barrier to training was time and space – there was clear demand from managers for a more flexible, accessible and interactive approach to training.

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