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How to measure social capital

There are different approaches to measuring social capital, both at the country or regional level and at the individual level.

At the macro level, the “radius of trust” method develop by Francis Fukuyama is us. He prov that the efficiency of a country’s economy depends on the radius of trust inherent in a particular society. The smaller its radius (for example, relationships between people are limit to family and friendly ties), the less effective economic relations are.

A person can try to assess their

Own social capital by looking at their smartphone. You ne to count the number of contacts in your address book, see how different the statuses of the people you communicate with are, analyze how many of them are “weak” and how many are “strong.” This terminology was propos by American sociologist and author of the book “The Power of Weak Ties” Mark Granovetter. He classifi strong ties as frequent and strong contacts engineer database between relatives and close friends, and weak ties as relationships between former measure social capital classmates, neighbors, acquaintances, and colleagues. Moreover, Granovetter came to the conclusion that information spreads faster and more effectively through weak ties, for example, the chance of finding a job through acquaintances of acquaintances is much higher than through relatives.

The level of social capital of an individual is also influenc

By his proactive measure social capital behavior, ability to build communication, cooperate in a team, membership in various groups, how much he trusts others and is able to be in solidarity with them.

How to increase social capital
Meet new people. You measure should marketers use pop-up forms? a comprehensive analysis social capital can make a habit of doing this at least once a week. A new acquaintance can be a salesperson at a store or a neighbor with whom you ride in adb directory the elevator. It is important not to limit yourself to greetings, but to start short conversations. It is worth expanding your social circle by including people from different spheres. You can join a society or organization that matches your values ​​and interests, including professional ones. Take part in events held in your city or area, communicate in chats, invite people to meetings yourself.


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