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Inbound Marketing Emails: 10 Fatal Mistakes for Your Strategy

Inbound Marketing Emails: 10 Fatal Mistakes for Your Company’s Strategy
You open your email inbox every morning and probably find a handful of inbound marketing emails .
Some of them you don’t even remember signing up for, and you don’t want to read them. Depending on your mood or schedule for the day, these emails can be instantly deleted, marked as spam, or responded to with a sarcastic note.

Have you ever considered

That your company’s inbound marketing emails could suffer the same fate? This could put your strategy – and your annual goals – at risk.
So check out 10 reasons why your company’s emails may not be getting the results you expected.

Your email subject is boring or too vague

Since it’s the first thing recipients see, your subject line can be the difference between a click on open or a “mark as spam” before it even opens.
So make sure it:

Grabs the readers’ attention,
Support the message,

Give readers a reason to open the email,

Creates a sense of urgency.
This means that approaches like “Open now” are probably oman telegram data less effective than something like “Only 2 days until…”.
AVOID USING CAPSLOCK and too many exclamation marks!!! – These two details can kill the credibility of your message in less than a second.

Inbound Marketing emails are not personal

People are more likely to read your emails how to create detailed buyer personas for your business if they feel like they’re reading something written by a real person rather than a robot.
So make sure your messages are “warm”: ask questions, use “you” and address the recipients by name in the greeting.
If the mailing also includes the name of the company where the recipient works, it might be a good idea to include that information as well.

Your messages do not inspire confidence

Make sure the sender name that recipients b2b reviews club will see in your emails is someone they would trust.
Our tip is to always use a contact that is (or looks like) that of a real person – such as ana.dantasyourcompany.com.br, and not something like teamyourcompany.com.br Sending times also deserve special attention: Inbound Marketing
emails that arrive in the inbox in the middle of the night will certainly seem to be sent by robots. Talk to your team or digital marketing agency about the times that offer the best click and conversion rates.

Your company is not talking to the right people

Sending the same email to your entire company mailing list is not the right way to go.
As we mentioned above, a personal approach makes all the difference – and this also includes the preferences of each person or audience.
Good Inbound Marketing emails are not part of a strategy that sends large amounts of material, but rather selected content .
It is about sending specific, quality messages to people who really want to read them.
Analyze the nature of your operations and find the best way to approach these people:

Repeat buyers may be more attracted to the latest releases,

People in the middle of the funnel might appreciate an e-book that explains how to best use the product,
Leads that have already been approached by your sales team can be converted if they receive a discount coupon.
Email layouts are not aesthetically appealing
Poor layouts, unattractive color combinations, and low-resolution or inappropriate images can send your company’s emails straight to the trash.

Choose clean layouts that enhance

The content, and use simple and direct text. And check that the email opens correctly in different browsers and operating systems.
Remember: people are used to consuming information from Facebook and Instagram. That’s why a good image makes all the difference.

Contents that are not very relevant
If your creative team already feels bored when creating an email, chances are your reader will feel the same way.
Inbound Marketing emails need to be relevant, so the strategy should focus on light and direct texts, supported by a good image.
Extra tip: if your company has a more relaxed profile, use GIFs.

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