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steps to define your successful influencer strategy

Carrying out a successful influencer strategy requires an intensive study of many variables. Although the objectives

may vary depending on the brand and the moment in which it is located, they all have one goal in common: reaching

the right audience , with the right message and getting users to perform certain actions.

The problem is that the range of actions that can be carried out with influencers is very wide and it is not always easy to choose the most effective ones in our case.

That’s why KPIs are so important in influencer marketing 

Accurately measuring the results of a campaign can lead to considerable savings and/or increased profitability, since we will be focusing on those actions that offer the best results.

To define a successful influencer strategy, you must try to fine-tune each of the 4 steps or phases that comprise it, which are:

  1. Setting the objectives
  2. Design of the actions to be developed
  3. Selection of social networks and influencers
  4. Execution and measurement of results

Below, we will look in more detail at these steps to achieve an optimal influencer strategy.

Steps to achieve success in your influencer strategy


1) Establishing the objectives

Within any digital strategyWe need goalsOnly if we know gambling data taiwan what we want to achieve can we

implement a plan to achieve it, which will constitute the roadmap to reach our goals.

Within an influencer strategy, many types of objectives can be set: awareness, branding, community building and

loyalty. If we find ourselves with a new brand on the market, it will need, for example, to make itself known before setting

sales objectives, while a brand that is more established in its market may want to focus the campaign on other goals.


Through metrics, it should be possible to clearly define how to create detailed buyer personas for your business whether

or not the campaign has met its objectives. In some cases, these may be likes; in others, followers, visits, sales or

downloads. However, there is another part of the objectives that may not be tangible, which are usually branding objectives such as:

  • Reputation
  • Brand image
  • Relationship of the same with certain values

Metrics should determine whether or not we have achieved what was intended with the influencer campaign.

2) Design of the actions to be developed

It is normal for a brand that wants to develop actions with influencers to have some of these in mind from the initial design of the campaign. But experience shows that flexibility in this type of campaign must also be a necessary characteristic.


  • Influencers need to feel comfortable with the actions they carry out
  • Plus, as content creators who know their audience, they can have a pretty good idea of ​​what might work or not.

Therefore, it is always a good idea to listen to the influencer’s suggestions or, failing that, present them with a series of alternatives that the brand considers interesting so that b2c phone list they can choose those with which they feel most comfortable.

There are many actions that can be carried out within the framework of an influencer strategy and therefore you should not close yourself off or limit yourself to an initial idea:

  • Product or tutorial recommendations
  • Conversations and mentions on social networks
  • Interviews
  • Reviews
  • Attendance at events
  • Photos and videos
  • etc

Some influencers will feel more comfortable doing some and reject others . But that doesn’t mean we have to give up on them. In our influencer strategy we can combine influencer strategy both different protagonists and different actions, and this will probably have a synergistic effect on our campaign.

Of course, we must not forget the budget . When it comes to fitting actions andHire influencersthe numbers have to add up.

This is where the marketing manager will have to find the balance and where measuring results will provide the necessary information to design future campaigns with a higher level of profitability. Knowing the cost of each action – and not just its result – will therefore be very important to be able to optimize the return on investment.A

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