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What are Brand Ambassadors and how do they emerge?

The Brand Ambassador is the person who represents the brand externally, trying to associate his or her personal

values ​​with those with which the brand intends to identify itself.

There can be a large number of different profiles playing this role, from famous actors and actresses to athletes, models or

people with a certain notoriety that the public identifies with positive connotations.

Although the term Brand Ambassador can be considered relatively new, the figure of the brand ambassador is not.

Advertising, from its beginnings, has been aware of the powerful effect of associating a product with a famous person , and has exploited this benefit.

In fact, there are references to this type of association as far back as the 19th century, although in truth it was not until

the 1980s that the term became popular. With the arrival of social media and the rise of influencer marketing, brand ambassador marketing has gained renewed popularity.

Characteristics of a Brand Ambassador

Defining the ideal characteristics of a Brand Ambassador is especially important, given that the identification between

the ambassador and the brand will be much more intense overseas chinese in uk datathan that which occurs, for example, when an influencer prescribes a product.

However, it is not enough that this harmony exists. Furthermore:

– They must be able to transmit confidence credibility is a particularly important asset when selecting a

brand ambassador.           – They must have the ability to connect with the target : their reputation or credibility is

of little use if the target audience ignores them. They must be someone whose messages leave a mark on the audience we are addressing , even on an emotional level.

–  Must have leadership skills : brands sometimes try to how to avoid falling into a trap? differentiate

themselves with innovative approaches. Being able to create a new trend requires leadership skills.

– Must have communication skills: since you need to convey certain messages, you need to have a good

ability to communicate both verbally and through social networks and the media.

– You must be cautious and inclusive in your statements : Something a brand cannot risk is provoking

rejection in a group. A Brand Ambassador must always measure his words to avoid generating unwanted reactions.


How to choose a Brand Ambassador

Based on the above considerations, a brand that wants to find a Brand Ambassador will need to evaluate potential candidates based on their identification with the brand and the message it wants to project.  Their personality lifestyle and values ​​must be in line with those of the brand.

  • For example, a brand that intends to target a young, sporty audience should never opt for a celebrity with a sloppy
  • physical appearance, no matter how prominent their social relevance, b2c phone list because it would be sending a contradictory message.
  • In addition to this coherence, the ability to influence thetargetThe brand value is the other decisive factor.
  • Between two candidates who equally represent the brand values, it will be preferable to choose the one who will achieve the greatest impact, either through its social reach or its presence in the media.
  • It is also very convenient for the Brand Ambassador to get involved in getting to know the brand in depth.
  • Few things can have a more devastating effect than making it clear through the exercise of his functions as Brand Ambassador that he is not familiar with the unique features of the brand.

In any case, and no matter how exhaustive the selection process is, you can never be 100% sure about the person chosen .

Renowned brands that paid astronomical sums to big names with impeccable reputations have woken up one morning to

an unexpected scandal involving their brand ambassador and have been forced to abruptly break off their ties so that the

consequences would not affect them.


Do I need to do marketing with Brand Ambassadors?

Brand Ambassadors Carrying out marketing strategies with Brand Ambassadors is not a general necessity. Brands do not necessarily have to be identified with a face.  But in certain situations, the implementation of Brand Embassy actions can be very beneficial .

When to invest in a Brand Ambassador?

  • Mainly when the aim is to increase loyalty or when the objective is to give a new boost to a brand that has gradually been losing presence.
  • Furthermore, using a Brand Ambassador in our strategy is a great complement to influencer marketing actions .
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