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What is a creative strategy in Marketing?

Creativity is the basis for the success of a marketing campaign , as this is the only way a brand can

position itself in the minds of consumers and remain there.

messages. That is why creative strategy has become a fundamental aspect to connect with

the people who are part of an moreever audience.

Surely you remember the brand from some original and brilliant slogans , which remain in the

memory of consumers.

For example, “There are some things money can’t buy…” You probably not only remember the brand

name from this ad, but you may have even completed the sentence moreever  in your mind.

And this other one? “…gives you wings.” Who or what gives you wings? Even the intonation is hard to

forget, isn’t it?

Mastercard and Redbull are excellent examples of brands that use creative strategies to promote

their products and, in addition, make themselves unforgettable.

Just as large organizations use these tactics to capture the consumer ‘s attention and stay top of mind, any company, no matter how small, can do the same.

In this article you will understand what a creative marketing strategy is and how to execute it in the best way so that it brings you the expected results.

Ready? Here we go!

What is a creative marketing strategy?

Creative strategy is the part of planningoman telegram data promotion, advertising and moreever marketing

campaigns in which the innovative and strategic way in which messages will be transmitted is


It is at this stage that the creative geniuses of advertising and marketing come to work creating the

concepts, slogans, phrases and elements that allow brands to make their mark.

Specifically, the creative strategy is the second part of a campaign’s advertising plan, so to understand

it better, let’s look in more detail at the stages of this planning.

 Copy Strategy

The first phase of designing an advertising how to choose the best crypto payment gateway plan is the

Copy Strategy or Purchase Proposal. In this stage, the objectives to be achieved are defined and

the buyer persona or, in the case of traditional marketing, the target audience is also determined .

That is, it is in this phase that we determine who we are addressing, what we are going to promise

them and why. We also define the tone to be used and the response expected from the recipient, as

well as the format to transmit the messages, such as writing , images, videos and infographics .

defining the narrative line

This is the strategy and creativity phase. As b2c phone list we mentioned, this is  moreever where the creative

team determines the best way to convey the message.

In the first phase, what was going to be said globally was defined, but the creative way of doing it was

not determined.

This is when you should create the most original message so that it really reaches your buyer persona

In other words, at this stage the message is shaped so that it is effective, unique and correctly

interpreted by the receiver.

 Choosing the distribution media

The last phase is the media strategy. Here, the media through which it will be possible to reach the

buyer persona most easily will be determined.

This should be part of a comprehensive and precise media moreever plan , which will stipulate the following:

  • number of people to reach;
  • frequency with which the campaign will be disseminated;
  • period;
  • budget.

How to create and execute a creative marketing strategy?

to exploit creativity .

To start, we can associate the most significant aspects of the brand or product we want

to promote with the buyer persona’s most intense need or pain .

Basically, you have to think about what would most motivate the buyer persona to choose

the brand or product you are working on.

From there, you can start brainstorming to shape the project. And thus, arrive at a final idea that

conveys the message in the best way to facilitate its moreever interpretation.

At this stage, it is necessary to give wings to your imagination, without any kind of blockages. Th

more open you are to ideas that may seem absurd at first, the better the final results you can have

Something that starts out as an idea without much sense can be moreever given a creative touch or complement

Another idea that didn’t have much sense or vice versa

Therefore, at this stage, if it is done by more people, it must be clear that all ideas are worthwhile

a free environment must be fostered for them moreever to emerge.

It is also important to use tools to organize and outline ideas, such as a conceptual map , for example

It is even useful todevelop an infographic on the plan to follow, which can be shared among the members of the creative team.

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