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Real problems for brands that work with influencers

Brands that work with influencers do not do so solely to increase their visibility. The objectives can be very varied:

sometimes, influencers are the solution to a reputation problem or the most effective method to identify a brand with

certain values ​​with which it wants to be associated.

In any of the cases and goals that you want to achieve, eachcampaign with influencersIt is a challenge for

companies . On this occasion, we want to show you some of these real challenges of brands that have worked with

influencers and that have done so, in one way or another, with the help of Influencity.

To serve as an inspiration and example to other firms that are hesitating about whether to do so.Influencer Marketing, or

if you are already immersed in this process and have questions, we are going to share three success stories of brands that work with influencers and that had to address different situations:

Real examples of brands working with influencers

Case 1: Malibu and #lamarcadelverano

No matter how much you prepare a campaign, not all factors are under control. Malibu launched the #lamarcadelverano

campaign in 2015, in which it announced, on a highly-rated show, an app that, using a filter similar to those on

Instagram, could add a kind of sun tattoo to each user’s photos.

What was not foreseeable was that the same channel would broadcast a programme on skin cancer right

after , which led many to misinterpret the objective of the campaign, gambling data vietnam wrongly understanding that

Malibu supported the practice of getting sun tattoos, which evidently involves spending excessive amounts of time exposed to the sun, with the risks that this entails.

Since the hashtag #lamarcadelverano began to be used to discredit the brand by accusing it of being irresponsible for


promoting attitudes that posed a risk to health, immediate measures had to be taken to communicate the brand’s true intention and prevent the campaign from being counterproductive and causing damage to the brand image.

  • How it was done

Through theInfluencity network We selected profiles of 250 influential Twitter users and, together with the brand, we studied how to focus the campaign messages to neutralize the unwanted effect.

Once we contacted the influencers, they began to publish in a coordinated manner, encouraging the participation of other users and the inclusion of the hashtag in positive messages to easily clarify that it was all a misunderstanding.

Since the messages did not come from the brand itself, how to protect your mental health when working remotely but from people outside it, the message was believed, eliminating the association between the app and risky practices regarding sun exposure and creating a new association that linked it to healthy entertainment.

Case 2: Increasing the number of followers on Instagram for a major international brand

A well-known brand used the release of a film as a starting point to boost its Instagram account. Its aim was to try to significantly increase its number of followers on this social network.

It was considered that the best way to achieve this goal in a relatively short period of time would be a contest promoted by influencers . To participate in it, it was essential to be a follower of the account of the brand that was releasing the film. In this way, this goal would be achieved.

  • How it was done

The target audience for the film that was being released was b2c phone list women over 18 years of age, so the selection of influencers was made taking this fact into account .

A group of influencers was chosenfemale in the fields of lifestyle and fashion and, within this group, those who met two

requirements were chosen: that they liked cinema and that they were able to generate high engagement with their audience.

These influencers promoted the contest by posting photos and texts on their Instagram accounts that conveyed the

tension experienced in the film. The goal was to achieve a transfer of followers from the influencers’ accounts to the brand.

As the campaign was published, the results were analysed to see which profiles were attracting the largest number of followers who took action and followed the brand. The result was a progressive increase in the brand’s account.

Case 3: Branding and dissemination of the Be Plus brand

The aim of this campaign was to create a community around Beplus using the hashtag #generaciónbeplus.

The target audience was women and men (70-30%), aged 24-35, with medium-high education, concerned about

nutrition and healthy living, but with little time to achieve it.

  • How it was done

The proposal consisted of having a large group of influencers who could represent and transmit this

lifestyle and values ​​so that they could use with influencers the hashtag and stimulate the generation of comments spontaneously.

The campaign focused on Instagram , through a main post accompanied by stories. But the real challenge was

toSelect the right profilesto get the conversation around the hashtag flowing.

Thanks to an exhaustive analysis, profiles with high engagement and whose audience fit the target indicated by

the brand were selected, which contributed decisively to meeting the objective.

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