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CJM – Remove customer barriers

Go through the customer journey yourself or ask your friends. I have a friend who develops services for online work on the Internet. What does he do? He sends his friend a registration link and asks him to turn on the webcam to record the screen, and comment out loud on what and how he is doing. Sometimes there are a lot of insights. We think that everything is convenient with us, but when people visit our services, they often cannot understand something, they wade through some kind of registration jungle, spend a lot of time, so they leave and abandon the service.

There are companies from which you can order

CJM, they are professionals. You will understand how everything is built for you.

It is necessary to assess the significance of each obstacle, to estimate the cost of elimination. It is necessary to understand which obstacles you will eliminate first, which ones last, which ones you will not eliminate at all, because it will cost too much. Accordingly, it is necessary to conduct several integrations to identify and eliminate them and implement a regular process to improve CJM. Situations change, the market changes.

Marketing Optimization – Channels

Effectively done customer barriers bc data vietnam after accumulation of data on end-to-end analytics. It is necessary to understand that effective tracking is not always possible. For example, you bought 3 channels, and 5 clients came. is not always possible to understand where they came from. is not entirely clear which of the three channels work. It is necessary to understand that there will always be errors in our analytics. It is important that it exists, and errors must be forgiven and work on.

How can you evaluate the effectiveness of channels?

The cost of the customer adb directory barriers application. This is a simple and fairly clear method, but I would not recommend it. The why cpg brands need a comprehensive market measurement strategy application may be cheap, cool, but the application may not convert, that is, the applications were garbage. It is better to look at the cost of sale, compare with the profit that the client brings. If we have LTV, then the cost of attracting a client may exce the profit we get from the first client. If there is end-to-end analytics, we see which channels are ineffective, turn them off, invest in effective ones.


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