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Everyone knows that a sales funnel helps develop a business. But how exactly to improve sales is still a question for many. The expert’s word: Igor Zotov, digital marketer at Aktion Marketing , will tell you what a sales funnel is, how to work with it, and what techniques affect conversion.

What is a sales funnel
Why do you need a sales funnel in B2B
How to build a sales funnel yourself
Ready-made sales funnels: pros and cons
How to increase conversion

What is a sales funnel

In essence, this is the path that a potential library shop client takes from getting to know the brand to purchasing a product or service. According to the laws of the market, not everyone who walks this road will master it. An excellent result is considered if at least 5% of those interested at the beginning eventually purchase the product or service. That is why the promotion and sales strategy looks like a funnel: narrowing shows that at any turn, some potential clients are eliminated and only a few reach the final (deal).

Building a working funnel is impossible without qualitative and quantitative evaluation criteria. In addition, analytics helps to understand when and how to adjust an already created scheme. But if there are too many indicators for evaluation, you risk getting confused and missing really important aspects. You need a balance.

And most importantly: quality affects quantity. The worse the funnel, the fewer sales – and vice versa.

Why do you need a sales funnel in B2B

In an ideal spherical world in a vacuum, the principle of “came, saw and bought” probably works. But in our real world of Internet marketing, a potential client first searches for information about a product, compares options, characteristics and conditions and only then makes a purchase. That is why tools are needed that describe the path and behavior of buyers:  then marketers and sales specialists can “catch” an elusive client with any deviations and turn him towards a deal.

By the way, a funnel is not only a way to advergaming, advertising for video games ensure direct sales. Repeat sales, increased brand awareness and loyalty, the ability to objectively evaluate the business and promotion strategy – this is an incomplete list of what this tool gives to a business. A funnel works in any field and any segment,

The main thing is to set it up correctly

Many people believe that the main goal of a cz lists sales funnel is to quickly generate the highest possible percentage of sales based on the principle of “squeeze as much as possible at once.” At Aktion Marketing, we aim to both increase conversion and build relationships with everyone who has once expressed interest. When creating a sales funnel, we take into account those who are not yet ready for a deal: we gradually warm up interest and convince them of the brand’s expertise until the moment of readiness to purchase the product comes.

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