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Find out more about reasonable adjustments


Even though these issues are not occupational health related, they often appear via an occupational health referral. Management should be aware that occupational health only focus on the work-related health issues arising and how best these can be managed. We do not adjudicate on industrial disputes.

Reasonable adjustments

Is the employee:

unfit for work
fit for work
fit for work with reasonable adjustments?
If they are unfit, when are they likely to return, if at all? Reasonable adjustments are bulgaria phone number library changes that organisations must make in their approach or provision to ensure that services are accessible to disabled people as well as everybody else.

The Equality Act 2010 defines an individual as disabled ‘if they have a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term negative effect on their ability to do their normal daily activities’. Occupational health professionals can give their opinion if an individual is classed atb directory as disabled under the Act.


Communication is key

Always speak to the employee about the referral and ensure that you get their consent for it.

Management should know that an employee has a right to see the report before it’s released and the service could not be started they can refuse consent for the report to be released. If this happens the manager must try and do the best they can without medical guidance.

It is vital that there is good communication between the employee and employer during the process. When both parties talk openly and frequently it can help to build up trust and get a better outcome. Keep in touch with employees who are off work sick – they will still need management support.

Stick to the policy. It is there so that everyone is aware of the obligations of both parties.

Sometimes an occupational health referral does not help. If this happens, you should consider external support from organisations like Acas and the Society of Occupational Medicine.

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