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How are Google Analytics metrics related?

However, to make a more complete business study, the factors must be analyzed individually and

among themselves.

In this article you will learn how to do a specific, effective and comprehensive analysis for your Digital

Marketing strategy , whether it is a website, blog, online store or social networks, by using Google Analytics metrics together.

We made the article as dynamic and educational as possible, separating the different metrics that can

be related and explaining the importance of doing so. Shall we begin?

How to link Google Analytics metrics?

There are many ways to link Google Analytics thailand telegram data metrics and it will depend on

your focus on your platform and its objectives. I will give you clear examples of how these can be combined:

Metrics by audience

Once you have logged into Google Analytics, you will be able to see the AUDIENCE tab on the home screen.


Let’s imagine that you have a website for publishing articles, and you want to analyze the factors and variables, not only individually, but also collectively.

For the study, the Google Analytics metrics of interest must be related:

New User, New Session, and Bounce Rate Metrics

This comparison is really important, since how to manage your influencer marketing budget it is what will define — in the first instance — if the strategy is having an effect at the user level:

  • New users are, as the name suggests, the number of people who visited the site for the first time;
  • new sessions , is the period of time that the user remains within the website, there may be several, for example, going from one page to another;
  • bounce rate, or bounce percentage, refers to the number of users who have left your page without even interacting with it.


By linking this trio of metrics, you will be able to know if the content of your page is sufficiently relevant to what your target audience expects from it.

That is, you will be able to know if your content marketing strategy is being correctly executed and providing the expected results, in relation to traffic and user retention on your website.

Reducing the bounce rate based on the data collected is what should commonly be assigned as a primary task.

The more relevant your content is, the more users will come to your website, the longer they will stay on your pages and the lower the rate of users who leave without taking any action.

Metrics on demographic, system and mobile data

Knowing demographic data and how b2c phone list users enter gives us an advantage in the continuous materialization of our strategy:

Demographics (country, language, city)

With this information, we will know the best way and language to communicate with our users.


System (browser, operating system, service providers)

Users are also identified by the OS they use, whether Windows, Linux, Mac.


Mobile (operating system, service provider, screen resolution)

Whether you use Apple, Android or any other device, the language, structure and dimensions to be used are different.


Comparing these three factors, we will answer three basic questions:

  • where? — where the largest number of users come from;
  • What do they use? — What do they use to log in?
  • how? — how do they enter the site.

This way, we can focus on the country with the highest user traffic and direct the marketing strategy towards the most specific. You should first reinforce the highest values ​​and then plan what to do to increase the lowest ones.

User movements

Expanding the audience tab, you will find the user flow option, which basically links everything we have mentioned so far, giving an overview where you can see:

  • greater user flow by country and where they enter, for example, through the home page;
  • where users travel to a greater or lesser extent.

It gives us a fairly advanced reading of everything related to our audience in a single tab, so that all aspects can be evaluated together.

We can, for example, generate call to actions that redirect to the page with the least access or the highest bounce rate and, in this way, increase the time spent on it.


Acquisition Metrics

From the ACQUISITION tab , you can see where the users who frequent your page come from.

Let’s imagine at this point that you make posts on social networks like Instagram or Facebook .

Here, Google Analytics metrics are shown grouped together and should be analyzed in the same way:

  1. organic search ; traffic generated by search engines , not paid;
  2. direct search ; the source that generated the traffic is unknown;
  3. referral : links found on other pages, for example, from a partner or collaborator;
  4. social : analyze which social network – where you have an open profile – provides the best results;
  5. Others .


You will be able to perform an analysis of the behavior and conversions of each of them, in order to evaluate them in a composite manner.

If, for example, your Instagram page is not generating the conversions or minimum income you are aiming for, but your Facebook page is, then you can focus on the one that works best for you and plan strategies later on the one that is working the least.

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