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Impersonal television

Do your company’s managers already know how to. Use branded content within their corporate strategy?
It is no secret that the world of advertising has been. Completely revolutionized since. The emergence of new technologies.

and radio ads are fading away

When we talk about branded content, we are poland phone number library referring to a type of innovative advertising, based on the company’s values ​​and which goes beyond what traditional advertising has accustomed you to.

It is characterized by being

advertising focused on satisfying the individual tastes of users and finding a connection with them, in addition to not being so intrusive and whose strong point lies in the provision of relevant and quality content.

Accustomed to television advertising that bursts optimize your bio into homes at any time and shows you products and services that are not of interest to you and whose purpose is solely self-promotional, branded content sails in a totally different direction.

This advertising trend does

seek to make a direct sale by showing the bz lists benefits and characteristics of a product, but rather focuses its value on entertaining and enchanting the public to convert them not only into loyal users, but also into friends and lovers of the brand, thus establishing loyal and long-lasting relationships.

There are many platforms and media that branded content uses to communicate its content to users, from the most traditional media to social networks, blogs and even sponsorship or street marketing actions.

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