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Maximize the Impact of Your Email Campaigns

Please note: For both personal and group chats, a message box will appear from which you can send messages and update your teammates.

Additional features of Vtiger internal chat

Internal chat in Vtiger allows you to perform multiple actions beyond creating a group or sending a message. Let’s learn about the following:

You can use different emojis to usa phone number data express your reactions, giving you a break from the text-based conversations.
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When your teammates are online, a green dot will appear below their username. This will let you know the availability of your teammates and you can message them accordingly.

When you have unread messages, a blue dot will appear above the chat icon.

You can mute or unmute chat  the more popular these  notifications. These notifications help you stay alert to incoming messages and respond on time.
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If you need more space while typing, you can minimize the screen.
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You can scroll up the chat window to access

the chat history. If any of your team members claims to have informed you about an incident that you were not aware of, you can access the chat history and cross-check the details.
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Benefits of Vtiger Internal Chat
Vtiger Internal Chat has many benefits china phone numbers which make it the go-to solution for all teams in an organization to connect and collaborate uninterruptedly. Let’s learn about the following:

Improve collaboration between different teams: Unlike other standalone messaging apps, the chat in Vtiger that is integrated into your CRM . Through the blue dot above the chat icon, you will get a count of the number of unread messages you have received.

Provides multiple chat options: By choosing to chat alone or in groups, you can communicate confidential matters in personal chats and discuss team-related matters in group chats. With the option to add or remove any number of members, you only need to update or provide information to those members who should be involved in the discussion. With previous conversation history, transparency is increased when communicating with your colleagues about what happened in the chat.

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