But that is not the case, because being self-employed on the Internet. Brings with it a number of other advantages that are just as important for many people.
In the following, I will discuss advantages such as personal responsibility, passive income and fun and also describe my own experiences.
Making money the only important thing?
Let’s not kid ourselves, of course you brazil cell phone number list work as a freelancer to earn money. After all, you have to pay the rent and everything else that is important for you and your family.
In addition, you want to treat yourself to something now and then. Go on vacation and of course put something aside for rainy days and old age. That’s why what it takes to get lots of copywriting jobs it’s completely normal that as a founder you want to build up a good income as quickly as possible.
But that’s only one side of the coin. Working for money alone cannot work in the long term. Your own motivation simply suffers because money as the sole motivator only works for a certain period of time.
These advantages are most important to online founders
212 readers took part and could choose up to 8 possible answers. You can see the results below:
What is most important to you about online business?
118 participants, or a good 56%, stated that the freedom to organize their time is online founders very important to them. This flexibility is particularly appreciated if you have already loan data worked in a 9-to-5 job.
Personal responsibility and self-determination follow closely behind with around 53%. Being able to decide for yourself what you do in your own self-employment and which direction you take is a very important point for many people.