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SEO community and digital marketing in general?

What impact has this had on the The truth is that the SEO world has felt quite a bit of these changes. as low-quality content has begun to be massively remov. from Google search results. This obviously highlights the ne. and importance of focusing on quality and reliability. 

How to protect yourself from these updates?

The best way to recover and protect yourself from this update is to closely follow Google’s  philippines telegram data guidelines and remove useless content from each site. as this is consider. by search engines when recommending a site and assigning it an Authority Score . This is a numerical value that references the overall quality and SEO of the site. demonstrating authority and security. 

Another great recommendation is to be able to avoid spam tactics. and focus on EEA . that is. creating quality content that demonstrates Excellence.  switzerland leads Expertise. Authority and Trustworthiness. 

Google Core Update November 2023

The Google Core Update on November 2. 2023 kept the SEO community on .ge by implementing significant adjustments to the ranking algorithm. At this point. Google’s tendency towards quality content that improves user experience was already beginning to become noticeable so that sites rank better. 

Likewise. it is also worth clarifying that sites with Evergreen content (timeless. that is. they are not trends that appear and disappear) and add information directly to their search results through PAA (people also ask in English) . which are frequently ask. questions. also known as “More questions” or “Other questions from users” on Google. 

Google Core Update November 2023 – Source: Google SERP

Benefit. and disadvantag. by the Core Update

While it is not entirely true to label certain sectors as “Beneficiaries” or “Losers”. it is true that many sites were able to show largely positive results from the implementation of these changes. The case of Wikip.ia and/or dictionaries is the most notable. since  give your business a professional edge Google position. extracts of their content in the search results that were seen in the PAA of the SERP


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