SMS fraud in 2024: fake online contest prizes,

ING launch the Safety Kit, which brings together all the functionalities available in Home’Bank to protect customers’ accounts.

Thus, ING customers can see in real time if they have active options such as geolocation. Push notifications, fingerprint or face ID. But also if they are up to date with the latest version.  Home’Bank or if they have not changtheir password recently .

“In a context where fraud sms promotional campaign attempts have increasexponentially. The safety of our customers is a constant concern, so we have numerous safety options in the Home’Bank app. Your Security Kit, available under More > Security & Login, brings all of this in one place. It’s simple: first you check which security options you have activat, then you set the ones that are still inactive. Depending on the active options and the progress of their activation, each customer can check their safety level with a very cool barometer. Through all these initiatives, we want to help set that cybersecurity champion mindset. In just one month since launch, nearly 200,000 customers have access the safety kit and seen what options they can activate to make their security extra.” – Răzvan Porumb, Product Area Lead Digital & Assist Tribe Home’Bank, ING Bank Romania.

Retrospective of smishing fraud in 2024 The prizes didn’t really exist, but attackers used this technique to get victims to access a dangerous site. Once this step was taken, bank and identification details were required.

sms promotional campaign

Fake prizes offer by online stores account for 52% of SMS fraud attempts between April and July.

Between August and October 2024, attackers exploit users’ fear of losing access to their money. They thus sent false alerts regarding a possible suspension of the bank account (58% – up by 32%). The second most popular strategy was sending messages for parcels with an incomplete address (24% – up 14%). In each case, users were prompt to go to a site to correct the problems. The real target, however, was to obtain banking and identification data. During this period, nearly 11,000 cases were record where one of the two tactics was use .

“Attackers use increasingly complex techniques, both automatic generation of malicious domains and insertion of variables in the content of the message and in the recipient’s phone number field.  Many attacks were in the category of winnings, as they appeal to the recipient’s curiosity to gain possession of a prize.” – Liviu Băltoi, Cybersecurity Consultant & Founder of sendSMS.

“Fraudsters have specific targets: to get your card details, banking app login details or to convince you to ancom recommendations for black friday online orders make payments directly to their accounts. In order to prevent such scenarios, ING launch the Safety Kit. You set up a trust device, precisely so that fraudsters cannot make transactions if they manage to obtain your data. You choose a secure password, but also SMS confirmation. Turn on notifications to always know what’s happening in your account. Prevention is most important. . Set all available security measures. It doesn’t last long, but it’s hugely valuable as long-term protection.” – Alin Becheanu, Head of Fraud Monitoring & Prevention ING Bank Romania .

Features in the Home’Bank safety kit:


  • Biometric data (fingerprint or facial recognition) can be use to access Home’Bank and authorize operations, simply, conveniently and safely.
  • Push notifications are the easiest way for customers to stay up-to-date on their account activity.
  • Password recently deb directory chang. Up-to-date application: to verify that users have the latest version of Home’Bank and the latest cyber security solutions.

For more details:


ING Bank Romania is part of the ING Group, a global international financial institution, which offers banking services to over 38.8 million individual clients, companies or institutions in over 40 countries.  

Found in 1994, ING Bank Romania is currently a universal bank, offering products and services to all categories of customers – large and small companies, financial institutions, small entrepreneurs and individuals.

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