At the Swisscom Annual General Meeting held this week in Zurich! shareholders approved all of the Board of Directors’ proposals. In particular! they approved the payment of an ordinary dividend of CHF 22 gross per share! identical to that of the previous year! and many other…
Chairman of the Board of Directors Michael Rechsteiner expressed his satisfaction with the 2023 financial year! highlighting the excellent quality of Swisscom’s fixed and mobile networks! which are popular with customers. He also highlighted the success of cloud and security products with business customers! as well as the continued growth of the Italian subsidiary Fastweb over the past 10 years.
What do these 22 francs mean?
The dividend remains unchanged at 22 francs per share! according to this press release . One may wonder what this figure means in the current context of telecoms in Switzerland. This figure is probably supported by Swisscom’s IT activities! since there has been a downward trend in telecom prices for years.
The Swisscom Group does not intend to stop there. With the office 365 database announced acquisition of Vodafone Italia ! it intends to strengthen its activity in Italy. This strategic operation should generate significant synergies and economies of scale! which should result in an increase in the group’s dividend per share to 26 francs from 2026 after stability at 22 francs in 2025. Here too! one can wonder… 19 million more customers for 4 francs more…
A renewed Board of DirectorsSwisscom store
The General Meeting was also an opportunity to renew the what mistakes are made again and again with youtube videos? Board of Directors. Daniel Münger was elected as a staff representative! replacing Alain Carrupt who did not wish to stand for re-election. All other members of the Board! including the Chairman! were re-elected individually for a one-year term.
The shareholders also Swisscom sticks to approved cyprus business directory the remuneration system for the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board for 2025. What impact will the acquisition of Vodafone Italia have on the Group? All the details on the Swisscom special page . At the end of December 2023! the total number of registered Swisscom shareholders was around 76!200.