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The verge of collapse and what does that mean for affiliates?

What the takeover means for affiliates mean for affiliates and what will happen next with Affili.net is explained below.


Affili.net acquired

It came as quite a surprise that the relatively new affiliate network AWIN has now taken over another major provider in this area .


Who is AWIN?

The merger of the affiliate networks Zanox and Affiliate Window took many years. But at the beginning of the year it was finally completed. In addition, the company had previously acquired ShareASale from the USA, among others. And is thus further expanding its global market position.

This consolidation is not surprising in india cell phone number list the somewhat stagnating affiliate industry. In addition, the company wants to position itself better against big players such as Google. Facebook and Amazon and become more attractive to both advertisers and affiliates.

Last but not least, an IPO is also planned and the company wants to be better positioned for this as well.

What’s next for Affili net?

What Affili.net affiliates are particularly interested in at the moment is the question of what will happen next with the network.

In the short term, not much will probably change. Of course, the two large affiliate networks will work together and become the largest provider in Europe, but a merger, especially from a technical point of view, takes time.

For Affili.net affiliates, things will probably continue as mean for affiliates before for many months or even years.

I think that’s a shame, because I think the backend of Affili.net is much better, for example.

Over time, affiliates will certainly also feel the market power of AWIN. Many large partner programs will then only be available there and there will be less choice. There is also speculation as to whether AWIN will then dictate worse conditions for affiliates.

On the other hand, there is hope that this major how to respond to job vacancies correctly player will finally do more for technological development. There has been a lot of stagnation in recent years. Especially with regard to the upcoming General Data Protection Regulation. Which will come into force in May 2018 and will probably bring with. It the mandatory cookie opt-in, a lot needs to happen in the affiliate industry for the business model to continue to work.

How do you deal with this as an affiliate?

As an affiliate who currently uses affili.net, there is no need to panic.

However, this development also clearly shows mean for loan data affiliates that you shouldn’t just rely on one affiliate network. And also always worth a look.

In any case, you should position yourself more broadly and also give in-house partner programs, such as Amazon Partner Net, a chance.

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