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Videos, webinars and more for the self-employed – insights, experiences and tips

My guest today will tell you how you can use the medium of video as a freelancer on the Internet. Robert will talk about his experiences, the professional use of videos and also give practical tips.

Have fun.


Hello Robert. Please introduce yourself briefly to my readers.

I have been very interested in online for over 15 years and as a hobby I program in PHP.

In my professional life, I have spent a lot of  wuhan cell phone number list time dealing with communication and new media in recent years. Videos, live streams, etc. are not only interesting for modern industries; more traditional industries, whose customers are becoming more IT-savvy in the medium term, should also urgently look into digital moving images.

How did you get into online business?

My first contact with a PC was with a 386 in the 90s. At the end of the 90s, the Internet slowly but surely became available to private users.

I used to read a lot of PC magazines, and in 2003 a learning copywriting with courses good friend and I created an online browser game – with this project we learned a lot about databases, community management and providing communication channels (forum, chat, email support for users, etc.).This dynamic fascinated me.

What experiences have you had with your own websites in the past?

The years 2002-2007 were an exciting time for private webmasters. With moderate knowledge, projects could be set up, visitors came via. Google – and if the site was of sufficient use, also via word of mouth.

The Internet has changed since the introduction of smartphones in 2007 at the latest. As more and more casual users go online. More and more professional companies have become aware of the medium and are setting up entire company departments to qatar data work in the online sector. There is a real content inflation on the web and as an online publisher. You have to think very carefully about which topics and which audience you want to address and with which means (text + images, video, sound/podcast, live stream) – the content has to be of benefit to the user.

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