WhatsApp often introduces and announces new features. Over the past month, the messenger has added the ability to edit messages after sending, and telegram marketing channels have also been announced. However, WhatsApp has many interesting features that some people don’t know about. We have collected
5 interesting WhatsApp features for you that will help make your communication in the messenger more convenient, private, and interesting!
Whatsapp disappearing photo feature
Did you know that WhatsApp has a feature called disappearing photos? This can be useful if you send someone an important code or documents that they should view but not save.
If you send a disappearing photo, it will be deleted after viewing it once. Such a photo will not be saved on the recipient’s phone, and it will not be possible to take a screenshot while viewing it.
To send a disappearing photo, click on the circle with the number “1” on the screen for sending a photo or picture.
Important! A photo that can be viewed once can only be opened on a smartphone. It cannot be opened using the web version of the messenger or a program on a computer.
Convenient voice message recording
If you like sending voice messages, you’ve probably encountered the problem when your finger slips off the button and the only recommend these tools recording stops. To prevent this from happening, simply hold down the microphone icon and pull it up to the “lock” icon.
After that, the recording will be fixed at the bottom of the screen. You will be able to speak your message without holding down the microphone icon. In addition, you can pause the recording and resume it, continuing your message.
Rotate photo
Click on the photo, and then call up the drop-down menu (three dots in the upper right corner of the screen). In the drop-down menu, select “Rotate”.
You can rotate a photo multiple times, but please cn leads note that you cannot choose the direction of rotation – the image will always rotate to the right.
Blur photo
Many people know that WhatsApp has a photo editor. If you take a photo in the messenger, you can add emoticons, apply a filter, make a caption. However, there is one function that will help protect your data – blurring. With its help, you can, for example, blur data in documents that you need to send as an example to another person.