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How many clicks you need for good AdSense earnings

Some people earn four-figure income with Google AdSense , while others have to make do with a few euros a month.

A common reason for this is the number of  good AdSense earning clicks visitors make on AdSense ads.

I will tell you below how many clicks you need for good AdSense earnings.


How many clicks you need for good AdSense earnings

Basically, you can say that more clicks are generally better. However, only if they are “real” clicks from genuinely interested users. Google evaluates belarus cell phone number list what the people who click on AdSense ads do. If they always disappear from the website immediately, Google considers this to be bad traffic and reduces the AdSense compensation for the website they came from.

Otherwise, the more clicks there are, the better. After all, you get a commission every time someone clicks on it. So, just like with Google AdWords, it’s not the number of impressions that counts, but the clicks on the AdSense ads.

This is also the reason why smaller websites and blogs beauty academy ecole – “stylist-image maker” can earn good money with Google AdSense. They just have to make sure that as high a proportion of visitors as possible click on the ads.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to say exactly how many clicks that is. This is because each click is compensated differently. I will come back to this below.

AdSense revenue example
However, we can expect an average value that is  quite typical. 30 cents per click on average is a realistic value in many industries. Of course, there are also values ​​that are higher or lower, but 30 cents is a good starting point good AdSense earning.

In order to earn 100 euros a month with Google AdSense, the AdSense ads on our website must be clicked around 333 times.

If we want to earn 1,000 euros a month, around 3,333 clicks are necessary.

Increase clicks on AdSense ads

That’s quite a lot, even if it might not sound like much, especially for larger blogs. But unfortunately not many of the visitors click on Google AdSense ads.

So what can we do to get more of our readers to click on AdSense ads? Good AdSense earning We should definitely not ask them to do this. Google doesn’t allow it and it can quickly get you kicked out.

Instead, we should not only integrate the ads (e.g. via plugin ), but also optimize them so that the number of clicks on them increases.

Here are a few important tips to increase the number of clicks:

  • AdSense ads should ideally be integrated directly into the main content. Not in the sidebar or footer, where no one notices them. Instead, they should be placed directly in the actual text of the page and as high up as possible.
  • Bigger is better. In my experience, that is at least true for AdSense ads. Instead of a relatively small 468×60 ad, you should try a 600×300 pixel ad. Visitors will simply notice it more and that increases the click rate.
  • Eye-catching colors also help readers kuwait data notice the ads. However, it should still fit in with the overall layout, otherwise it can come across very negatively.
  • You should definitely try out AdSense’s image ads. In addition to the usual text ads, it can work better in some industries if you have AdSense display graphic banners.
  • Google has removed the limit on AdSense ads per page. While you shouldn’t overdo it, you can definitely add a second AdSense ad.
  • Google has been allowing responsive ads that adapt to the screen size for a while now. I only use these because this way the AdSense ads are displayed properly on the smartphone too.
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