5 ideas for your company 5 B2B Marketing Video Ideas That Will Help Your Business
Video is the latest trend in content marketing these days – but videos for B2B marketing are still under-exploited.
In the past, high video production costs and time-consuming completion made many projects unfeasible. But today’s reality is different.
Today, it is possible to capture, edit and
Even broadcast videos directly from your own cell phone. Livestreaming
platforms have expanded the options for disseminating this format. And YouTube has forever changed the way people interact with video content , bringing your company into the daily lives of your customers. These days, the only thing easier than producing video content is watching it. And that is precisely why companies that are not using videos for B2B marketing in their strategies are making a big mistake. Don’t let yours be one of them! According to HighQ , 55% of people watch videos online EVERY DAY. In addition, 75% of executives watch videos related to their industry weekly. So keep reading and discover five ways to include videos in your company’s B2B marketing plans:
1) Present your company culture
It may seem pointless and even unstrategic to show your team having fun during the workday.
But the human side of companies is germany telegram data more in demand than ever.
Particularly for B2B teams that sell complex products or niche services in industries with serious, serious reputations.
And B2B marketing videos can be a great solution to solve this problem in your company.
Believe me: showing behind
The scenes of your company will humanize your company – and can even shorten your sales cycle.
This is a great way to personalize your sales inside sales vs. outside sales: how to structure a sales team approach, showing the people on your sales team as real people.
People who have friends, families and interests outside of work – just like the ones you imagine when defining your buyer personas .
For the customer, it creates that awareness of “he may just be trying to hit his target, but I really like this guy” .
Or “I don’t really need what he’s selling, but I can recommend him to a friend. He’s cool!” .
2) Simplify the complex with videos for B2B marketing
Try producing a short video (about one and a b2b reviews club half to two minutes) to explain what your company does.
Ideally, keep it on your website’s home page or pinned to your Facebook profile to increase the chance that your leads will see it.
Engaging your leads with a good first impression can have a significant impact on your conversion rate.
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3) Promote new and existing content
If a lead has landed on your landing page , they probably have a problem that your company can solve.
So don’t risk losing their attention with a standard offer or the standard format used by all companies in your segment.
Create a quick B2B marketing video, 15 to 30 seconds
That tells them what they’ll get by downloading your material.
Video allows you to emphasize points and create a vibe that no bullet point can.
Welcome leads with your personality and knowledge of the subject.
Start by testing the video on an existing, but underperforming, conversion page.
You don’t need to go all out: simply introduce the offer by talking to the camera.
Thinking about promoting a course or webinar? Give potential attendees an overview of what they can expect: let the speaker introduce themselves and their agenda.
4) Thank your leads for their time
And invite them back using videos for B2B marketing!
Thank you pages tend to be the most overlooked pages on a website.
This may not be the case for your company, but many just think that now that they have their lead information, they can just pass on a few links and move on.
But the potential for nurturing these leads through video is huge.
You already know that these people are interested in your business, so take this time to thank them face-to-face.
And suggest what other resources you have available that might be helpful – be sure to include those call-to-actions .