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Social media automation: know the advantages and disadvantages

Social media automation: know  The digital landscape has brought a challenging scenario for companies and the way they do their marketing. And social media automation has sparked the interest of many professionals around the world.

There are a number of benefits to automating marketing-related processes

Social media automation: know  In the case of social media , for example, it is possible to ensure your company’s digital presence even outside of business hours.
However, there are some problems that need to be overcome: automation makes managing your networks easier, but it carries the risk of losing your brand’s human personality.
If you have been researching the topic, this article may provide some answers.
Here are some tips on what to do and what to avoid to ensure that social media automation does not distort your brand’s digital presence.


Discover the most popular days and hong kong telegram data time slots of the week
Many social automation tools provide insights into the best days and times to reach your audience.
And you can combine this data with information from your buyer personas to provide them with the best content at every moment.

By scheduling social media updates during

The weekend, your company can reach a it is more than proven completely different audience, with more free time to research their next purchase.
You can also create exclusive promotions for this period, creating a sense of urgency for the purchase.
So, instruct your marketing team to check the trends on each network and understand which days and times are the busiest according to your target market.

Stay up to date with the latest news to avoid blunders

It’s essential to follow major news sites b2b reviews club and keep an eye on recent stories to ensure that you don’t mention topics or people who might unexpectedly become embroiled in controversy.
If this happens, there’s a good chance that your company will garner negative publicity.

Perform periodic analyses to find out what works and what doesn’t.
Having all the key data gathered in a social media automation tool is great.
You can see interactions, posts, and get reports that show the number of clicks, interactions, and number of followers in quick, easy-to-understand graphs.
This is even easier to achieve when you have a digital marketing agency , which offers a team of experts to coordinate and implement your actions.

Simplify the process and save time

Every company has a routine full of tasks and obligations. So reducing the time spent on social media management is great news.

Positive points of social media automation
Be careful with generic automations
As much as social media automation tools simplify your company’s day-to-day activities in the digital environment, the human factor is still necessary. This
is especially true when it comes to interacting with the public, where automating automatic responses to certain terms or reactions can yield catastrophic results.

A well-known case in Brazil is Itaipava’s

Twitter campaign : a disastrous automation made the brand thank even those who made derogatory comments about the product.
On the global stage, Pizza Hut faced problems when a customer praised the product and the account automatically responded by apologizing for the “incident”, as if the customer had reported a fault.

Ensure the flow of engagement

While your social media is automated and chatbots can make day-to-day life easier, your business needs to keep a close eye on any notifications from your account.
Social media is time-sensitive and requires a quick response as messages pile up.
Many consumers expect social media customer service to respond immediately and help resolve their issue.

Without proper human oversight, this can go

Unanswered – and your business could lose a sale as a result.

Be aware of important events
It’s important to share some real-time social updates when appropriate. So keep your brand’s personality alive with some topical updates to really engage with the real world.


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