Social networks for companies
When it comes to social networks for companies , it is very common for the choice to be made based on what is popular at the moment.
>Although this may seem to make sense, since the more popular the larger the audience, there is a good chance that the “most popular” is not necessarily the most strategic for your brand.
>Snapchat has become one of the most popular social networks for companies – so much so that it quickly gained a “twin” competitor: Instagram Stories. But is it still as popular?
And that is what you will find out in the following article: follow along with us!
Mandatory social networks: reality or myth?
>As we mentioned above, social networks with a large number of users seem promising – but they are no guarantee of results.
Facebook is a good example of this.
It is practically a general consensus that every brand should be on Facebook. Having some kind of presence on the network can be positive: a page with company information, a contact area and some updates.
>However, it is possible that the platform may not be worth your time, effort and investment – especially if your audience is B2B or india telegram data people under 25 years old.
Reports show that younger audiences avoid the platform, looking for alternatives that their parents or relatives are not yet using.
Add to this the fact that the organic reach of posts
Has been experiencing a major decline – and that the competition from big brands with budgets larger than yours is unfair, causing your impersonal television engagement to sink even further.
>Given this scenario, it may be a great time to try something new – and that is what we will talk about here.
Snapchat and Instagram Stories:
An alternative for your company’s social networks?
>Snapchat is a relatively new platform that b2b reviews club has inspired some new features on established networks like Instagram Stories.
Let’s talk about how these two channels work, who’s using them, and how your business can take advantage of them.
>This will help you feel more confident in making a strategic decision about your company’s approach to social media going forward.
How it works
Instead of direct text messages, Snapchat users communicate through photos and videos.
>Initially, the network’s distinguishing feature was the short shelf life of content sent on the app: photos disappeared 10 seconds after being opened. Videos, on the other hand, would disappear as soon as the first view ended.
>Although these features still apply, Snapchat has expanded to include other features, such as Snapchat Stories: a series of photos or videos captured by the user in the last 24 hours that can be shared publicly or with just a few users.
And it is precisely this feature that inspired Instagram.
The mechanics are the same, the only difference is that Instagram Stories do not appear on the network’s normal timeline, but rather at the top of the screen.
>The content will be available to your entire fanbase already gained on the network for 24 hours and there is also the possibility of establishing private conversations with followers.
Who is using
Although many people believe
That Snapchat is exclusively an app for teenagers. User statistics show that this is not exactly the case.
>Although Snapchat is clearly more popular among young people (37% of users, the majority of whom are between 18 and 24 years old), just over a quarter of users (26%) are between 25 and 34 years old.
This has positioned Snapchat as a good solution among social networks for companies. So much so that it has also been widely used by several Brazilian influencers, such as Gabriela Pugliese and Thaynara OG, in joint actions with several brands.
A good example was the action by
Bradesco, a sponsor of the Brazilian Olympic Games. Which covered the torch relay from the IOC in Switzerland to Brazil, hosted by Thaynara – on her channel and the brand’s.
>However, many influencers have already stated that they prefer Instagram Stories to Snapchat, due to the convenience of producing all the content on a single network.