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Video influencers: the new figure of Influencer Marketing

Video is arguably the king of content today. In fact, it is not uncommon to find bloggers who have started sharing their experiences in this format as well. So much so that this evolution has led to the emergence of new terms such as Vlog

(blog in video format) or Vlogger, and the most successful have ended up being considered video influencers .

What is this figure? How can you incorporate it into your strategy? In this article we explain what video influencers are and how they can boost your brand strategy.

How video has changed influencer marketing

The use of video has only brought these authors closer to their audience . Now they not only know their

opinions, but they know how they express themselves and speak, which creates a much stronger connection with users.

As a result, their ability to influence the audience that consumes their content has increased , a fact that has not gone unnoticed by influencer marketing.

The use of video has allowed users to learn how creators express themselves and speak, which creates a much more powerful connection.

Video has opened the field ofinfluencer marketingPlatforms like Instagram remain the preferred terrain for a

large number of influencers, but not all products are suitable for promoting through photography.

However, by incorporating movement into the image and adding audio, gambling data usa this limitation

disappears. There is no longer any need to limit yourself to aesthetically pleasing products whose image is their sales pitch. Video is perfect for providing awareness and product knowledge.

The range of products to be promoted has expanded, as through video features and advantages can be explained in words, or their operation and usefulness can be shown.


What are video influencers and where to find them?

Obviously, being a vlogger is not the same as being a video influencer , since being on a video platform does not

mean that you have the capacity to influence. If you want to be considered as such, you need to have a minimally large

and loyal community that demonstrates through their it is more than proven actions that they support your point of view.

Some video influencers have achieved this endorsement by specialising in a specific topic in which they prove to be experts. Others, however, do not need such specialisation and rely entirely on charisma.

In any case, it is not difficult to find them because they are the creators of the most successful content, so sooner or later, their videos acquire some degree of virality.

The main platforms where you can find video influencers are:

      • YouTube : This is the leading platform and the one where video influencers are most abundant, thanks to
      • its large volume of traffic and the fact that almost all types of content are successful as there is no time limit.
      • Instagram: Although initially born as a photography platform, the incorporation of “stories” (short video fragments of limited duration) has given a new dimension to this social network.
      • Tik Tok: musical social network for teenagers, the new Musically.

Why incorporate vloggers into my marketing strategy

The reason to incorporate vloggers into a marketing strategy is as b2c phone list simple as it is devastating: because it works .

      • Video content is   more attention-grabbing than any other, so the impact on the consumer’s mind is guaranteed. But a well-regarded vlogger is also a kind of celebrity and authority in the eyes of his audience.
      • In addition, video offers a wide variety of alternatives for carrying out marketing actions .
      • From a product review to an “unboxing” or product placement, brands have a wide range of options to involve their products with the content produced by these video influencers, who give their honest opinion about them, making them reach a larger audience.

If a video influencer whose followers fit the profile we want to target has a very defined type of content, there is always a way to link the brand without the vlogger having to change their creative direction


How to manage my video influencers effectively

Finding and selecting video influencersfor an influencer marketing campaign, as well as contacting them and

reaching collaboration agreements can be more complicated than it seems:

      • First of all, neither the number of followers nor the number of views of their videos  are conclusive data to guarantee that the choice is correct.
      • The most sought-after video influencers receive such a large number of proposals that their demands for carrying out campaigns are higher.

Through Influencity , however, you have much more precise data on which to base your choice.

    • The audience profile of each influencer video  is well defined , so you can know more accurately if you are going to target a potential consumer audience of your products.
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